
cyclient.vizmap.apply(self, styles=None, verbose=False)

Applies the specified style to the selected views and returns the SUIDs of the affected views.

  • styles (string) Name of Style to be applied to the selected views. = ['Directed', 'BioPAX_SIF', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:unique_0', 'PSIMI 25 Style', 'Coverage Histogram:best&unique', 'Minimal', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best&unique_0', 'Coverage Histogram_0', 'Big Labels', 'No Histogram:best&unique_0', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best', 'No Histogram_0', 'No Histogram:best&unique', 'Bridging Reads Histogram_0', 'Ripple', 'Coverage Histogram:unique_0', 'Nested Network Style', 'Coverage Histogram:best', 'Coverage Histogram:best&unique_0', 'default black', 'No Histogram:best_0', 'No Histogram:unique', 'No Histogram:unique_0', 'Solid', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:unique', 'No Histogram:best', 'Coverage Histogram', 'BioPAX', 'Bridging Reads Histogram', 'Coverage Histogram:best_0', 'Sample1', 'Universe', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best_0', 'Coverage Histogram:unique', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best&unique', 'No Histogram', 'default']
  • verbose print more


cyclient.vizmap.load_file(self, afile=None, verbose=False)

Loads styles from a vizmap (XML or properties) file and returns the names of the loaded styles.

  • afile (string) XML or properties file where one or more styles have been saved to.
  • verbose print more


cyclient.vizmap.export(self, options=None, OutputFile=None, styles=None, verbose=False)

Exports the specified styles to a Cytoscape vizmap (XML) or a Cytoscape.js (JSON) file and returns the path to the saved file.

  • options (string, optional) The format of the output file. = ['Style XML (.xml)', 'Style for cytoscape.js (.json)']
  • OutputFile (string) The path name of the file where the styles must be saved to.
  • styles (string, optional) The styles to be exported. If no styles are specified, only the current one is exported. = ['Big Labels', 'BioPAX', 'BioPAX_SIF', 'Bridging Reads Histogram', 'Bridging Reads Histogram_0', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best_0', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best&unique', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:best&unique_0', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:unique', 'Bridging Reads Histogram:unique_0', 'Coverage Histogram', 'Coverage Histogram_0', 'Coverage Histogram:best', 'Coverage Histogram:best_0', 'Coverage Histogram:best&unique', 'Coverage Histogram:best&unique_0', 'Coverage Histogram:unique', ' Coverage Histogram:unique_0', 'default', 'default black', 'Directed', 'Minimal', 'Nested Network Style', 'No Histogram', 'No Histogram_0', 'No Histogram:best', 'No Histogram:best_0', 'No Histogram:best&unique', 'No Histogram:best&unique_0', 'No Histogram:unique', 'No Histogram:unique_0', 'PSIMI 25 Style', 'Ripple', 'Sample1', 'Solid', 'Universe']
  • verbose print more


cyclient.vizmap.create_style(self, title=None,mappings=None,verbose=VERBOSE)

Creates a new visual style

  • **title title of the visual style
  • **defaults a list of dictionaries for each visualProperty
  • **mappings a list of dictionaries for each visualProperty

  • **returns nothing


cyclient.vizmap.update_style(self, title=None,mappings=None,verbose=VERBOSE)

Updates a visual style

  • **title title of the visual style
  • **defaults a list of dictionaries for each visualProperty
  • **mappings a list of dictionaries for each visualProperty

  • **returns nothing


Generates a dictionary for a given visual property

cyclient.vizmap.mapVisualProperty(self, visualProperty=None,mappingType,=None, mappingColumn= None, lower=None,center=None,upper=None, discrete=None, network="current",table="node",namespace="default",verbose=False)

  • **visualProperty visualProperty
  • **mappingType mappingType
  • **mappingColumn mappingColumn
  • **lower for "continuous" mappings a list of the form [value,rgb_string]
  • **center for "continuous" mappings a list of the form [value,rgb_string]
  • **upper for "continuous" mappings a list of the form [value,rgb_string]
  • **discrete for discrete mappings, a list of lists of the form [ list_of_keys, list_of_values ]
  • **network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • **namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.

  • **returns a dictionary for the respective visual property


Simplifies defaults.

simple_defaults(self, defaults_dic)

  • **defaults_dic a dictionary of the form { visualProperty_A:value_A, visualProperty_B:value_B, ..}

  • **returns a list of dictionaries with each item corresponding to a given key in defaults_dic