
cyclient.node.rename(self, network=None, newName=None, node=None, verbose=False)

Sets the value of the name column for the passed node.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • newName (string, optional) New name of the node ,
  • node (string, optional) Selects a node by name, or, if the parameter has the prefix suid:, selects a node by SUID.
  • verbose print more


cyclient.node.get(self, network=None, node=None, verbose=False)

Returns the SUID of a node that matches the passed parameters. If multiple nodes are found, only one will be returned, and a warning will be printed.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • node (string, optional) Selects a node by name, or, if the parameter has the prefix suid: selects a node by SUID.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ SUIDs of nodes that match the passed parameters ]


cyclient.node.select_from_file(self, afile=None, verbose=False)

Selects nodes in the current network based on node names provided by a file.

  • afile (string, optional) Path to file containing list of nodes to select
  • verbose print more


cyclient.node.get_attribute(self, columnList=None, namespace=None, network=None, nodeList=None, verbose=False)

Returns the attributes for the nodes passed as parameters.

  • columnList (string, optional) A list of column names, separated by commas.
  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • nodeList (string, optional) Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords all, selected, or unselected can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern COLUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ { "name": "Q9UQ35"}, { "name": "Q4G0J3" } ]


cyclient.node.list_properties(self, network=None, verbose=False)

Returns a list of visual properties available for nodes.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ list of visual properties available for nodes ]


cyclient.node.list(self, network=None, nodeList=None, verbose=False)

Returns a list of the node SUIDs associated with the passed network parameter.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • nodeList (string, optional) Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords all, selected, or unselected can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern COLUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ 283, 295, 311 ]


cyclient.node.get_properties(self, network=None, nodeList=None, propertyList=None, verbose=False)

Returns the visual properties for the nodes that match the passed parameters.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • nodeList (string, optional) Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords all, selected, or unselected can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern COLUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values.
  • propertyList (string, optional) A list of property names separated by commas.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ { "SUID": 627, "visualProperties": [ { "visualProperty": "NODE_VISIBLE", "value": true }, { "visualProperty": "NODE_PAINT", "value": "#FF6666" } ] }, { "SUID": 566, "visualProperties": [ { "visualProperty": "NODE_VISIBLE", "value": true }, { "visualProperty": "NODE_PAINT", "value": "#FF6666" } ] } ]


cyclient.node.set_attribute(self, columnList=None, namespace=None, network=None, nodeList=None, valueList=None, verbose=False)

Sets the value of a specified column for the passed node or set of nodes.

  • columnList (string, optional) A list of column names, separated by commas.
  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network. ,
  • nodeList (string, optional) Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords all, selected, or unselected can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern COLUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values.
  • valueList (string, optional) A list of values, separated by commas. List values can be included using the format [value1,value2].
  • verbose print more


cyclient.node.set_properties(self, network=None, nodeList=None, propertyList=None, valueList=None, verbose=False)

Sets the value of a specified property for the passed node or set of nodes.

  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • nodeList (string, optional) Specifies a list of nodes. The keywords all, selected, or unselected can be used to specify nodes by their selection state. The pattern COLUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specified column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLUMN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values.
  • propertyList (string, optional) A list of property names separated by commas.
  • valueList (string, optional) A list of values separated by commas.
  • verbose print more


cyclient.node.list_attributes(self, namespace=None, network=None, verbose=False)

Returns a list of column names assocated with nodes.

  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • verbose print more

  • returns [ list of column names assocated with nodes ]


cyclient.node.create_attribute(self, column=None, listType=None, namespace=None, network=None, coltype=None, verbose=False)

Creates a new node column.

  • column (string, optional) Unique name of column.
  • listType (string, optional) Can be one of integer, long, double, or string. = ['integer', 'long', 'double', 'string', 'boolean']
  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • coltype (string, optional) Can be one of integer, long, double, string, or list. = ['integer', 'long', 'double', 'string', 'boolean', 'list']
  • verbose print more

  • returns {"columnName": columnName}