
cyclient.styles.getSingleVisualProperty(visualProperty, verbose=None)

Return the Visual Property specified by the visualProperty parameter. Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API

  • visualProperty ID of the Visual Property
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getDefaultValue(name, vp, verbose=None)

Returns the default value for the Visual Property specified by the name and vp parameters. Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API

  • name Name of the Visual Style containing the Visual Property
  • vp Name of the Visual Property
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getMappings(name, verbose=None)

Returns a list of all Visual Mappings used in the Visual Style specified by the name parameter. The types of mapping available in Cytoscape are explained in depth here. An example of the data format for each is included below. For additional details, such as what Visual Properties supported by each Mapping, click on the relevant JavaDoc API link.

Discrete Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "discrete",
"mappingColumn": "interaction",
"mappingColumnType": "String",
"visualProperty": "EDGE_WIDTH",
"map": [
{ "key" : "pd",
"value" : "20"
{ "key" : "pp",
"value" : "1.5"
#### Continuous Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "continuous", "mappingColumn": "Degree", "mappingColumnType": "Integer", "visualProperty": "NODE_SIZE", "points": [ { "value" : 1, "lesser" : "20", "equal" : "20", "greater" : "20" }, { "value" : 20, "lesser" : "120", "equal" : "120", "greater" : "220" } ] }```

Passthrough Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "passthrough",
"mappingColumn": "name",
"mappingColumnType": "String",
"visualProperty": "EDGE_LABEL"
Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the [Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API](

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.getAllDependencies***

**`cyclient.styles.getAllDependencies(name, verbose=None)`**

Returns the status of all the Visual Property Dependencies.

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.getStyleCount***


Returns the number of Visual Styles available in the current session

* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.updateDependencies***

**`cyclient.styles.updateDependencies(name, body, verbose=None)`**

Sets the value of Visual Property dependencies to the values in the message body.

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style
* **`body`** A list of dependencies.
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.deleteMapping***

**`cyclient.styles.deleteMapping(name, vpName, verbose=None)`**

Deletes the Visual Property mapping specified by the `vpName` and `name` parameters.

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style containing the Visual Mapping
* **`vpName`** Name of the Visual Property that the Visual Mapping controls
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.getDefaults***

**`cyclient.styles.getDefaults(name, verbose=None)`**

Returns a list of all the default values for the Visual Style specified by the `name` parameter.

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.getVisualProperties***


Get all available Visual Properties.
Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the [Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API](

* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.updateStyleName***

**`cyclient.styles.updateStyleName(name, body, verbose=None)`**

Updates the name of the Visual Style specified by the `name` parameter.

* **`name`** Original name of the Visual Style
* **`body`** A new name for the Visual Style.
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.deleteStyle***

**`cyclient.styles.deleteStyle(name, verbose=None)`**

Deletes the Visual Style specified by the `name` parameter.

* **`name`** Visual Style Name
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.deleteAllStyles***


Deletes all vision styles except for default style

* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.updateMapping***

**`cyclient.styles.updateMapping(name, vp, body, verbose=None)`**

Update the visual mapping specified by the `name` and `vp` parameters.
The types of mapping available in Cytoscape are explained in depth [here]( An example of the data format for each is included below. For additional details, such as what Visual Properties supported by each Mapping, click on the relevant JavaDoc API link.
#### Discrete Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "discrete", "mappingColumn": "interaction", "mappingColumnType": "String", "visualProperty": "EDGE_WIDTH", "map": [ { "key" : "pd", "value" : "20" }, { "key" : "pp", "value" : "1.5" } ] }```

Continuous Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "continuous",
"mappingColumn": "Degree",
"mappingColumnType": "Integer",
"visualProperty": "NODE_SIZE",
"points": [
{ "value" : 1,
"lesser" : "20",
"equal" : "20",
"greater" : "20"
{ "value" : 20,
"lesser" : "120",
"equal" : "120",
"greater" : "220"      }
#### Passthrough Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "passthrough", "mappingColumn": "name", "mappingColumnType": "String", "visualProperty": "EDGE_LABEL" }``` Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API

  • name Name of the Visual Style containing the Visual Mapping
  • vp Name of the Visual Property that the Visual Mapping controls
  • body A list of new mappings.
  • verbose print more

  • returns default: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getStyle(name, verbose=None)

Visual Style in Cytoscape.js CSS format.

  • name Name of the Visual Style
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation



Returns a list of all the Visual Style names in the current session.

  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation


cyclient.styles.createStyle(body, verbose=None)

Creates a new Visual Style using the message body. Returns the title of the new Visual Style. If the title of the Visual Style already existed in the session, a new one will be automatically generated and returned.

  • body The details of the new Visual Style to be created.
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getStyleFull(name, verbose=None)

Returns the Visual Style specified by the name parameter.

  • name Name of the Visual Style
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getMapping(name, vp, verbose=None)

Returns the Visual Mapping assigned to the Visual Property specified by the name and vp parameters. The types of mapping available in Cytoscape are explained in depth here. An example of the data format for each is included below. For additional details, such as what Visual Properties supported by each Mapping, click on the relevant JavaDoc API link.

Discrete Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "discrete",
"mappingColumn": "interaction",
"mappingColumnType": "String",
"visualProperty": "EDGE_WIDTH",
"map": [
{ "key" : "pd",
"value" : "20"
{ "key" : "pp",
"value" : "1.5"
#### Continuous Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "continuous", "mappingColumn": "Degree", "mappingColumnType": "Integer", "visualProperty": "NODE_SIZE", "points": [ { "value" : 1, "lesser" : "20", "equal" : "20", "greater" : "20" }, { "value" : 20, "lesser" : "120", "equal" : "120", "greater" : "220" } ] }```

Passthrough Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "passthrough",
"mappingColumn": "name",
"mappingColumnType": "String",
"visualProperty": "EDGE_LABEL"
Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the [Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API](

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style containing the Visual Property mapping
* **`vp`** Name of the Visual Property that the Visual Mapping controls
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** 200: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.updateDefaults***

**`cyclient.styles.updateDefaults(name, body, verbose=None)`**

Updates the default values for the Visual Properties in the Visual Style specified by the `name` parameter.
Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the [Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API](

* **`name`** Name of the Visual Style
* **`body`** A list of Visual Property values to update.
* **`verbose`** print more

* **`returns`** default: successful operation


## ***cyclient.styles.createMappings***

**`cyclient.styles.createMappings(name, body, verbose=None)`**

Create a new Visual Mapping function and add it to the Visual Style specified by the `name` parameter. Existing mappings in the Visual Style will be overidden by the new mappings created.
The types of mapping available in Cytoscape are explained in depth [here]( An example of the data format for each is included below. For additional details, such as what Visual Properties supported by each Mapping, click on the relevant JavaDoc API link.
#### Discrete Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "discrete", "mappingColumn": "interaction", "mappingColumnType": "String", "visualProperty": "EDGE_WIDTH", "map": [ { "key" : "pd", "value" : "20" }, { "key" : "pp", "value" : "1.5" } ] }```

Continuous Mapping

JavaDoc API

{ "mappingType": "continuous",
"mappingColumn": "Degree",
"mappingColumnType": "Integer",
"visualProperty": "NODE_SIZE",
"points": [
{ "value" : 1,
"lesser" : "20",
"equal" : "20",
"greater" : "20"
{ "value" : 20,
"lesser" : "120",
"equal" : "120",
"greater" : "220"      }
#### Passthrough Mapping
[JavaDoc API](

{ "mappingType": "passthrough", "mappingColumn": "name", "mappingColumnType": "String", "visualProperty": "EDGE_LABEL" }``` Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API

  • name Name of the Visual Style
  • body A list of new mappings.
  • verbose print more

  • returns default: successful operation


cyclient.styles.getRangeValues(vp, verbose=None)

Returns a list of all available values for the Visual Property specified by the vp parameter. This method is only for Visual Properties with a Discrete Range, such as NODE_SHAPE or EDGE_LINE_TYPE. Additional details on common Visual Properties can be found in the Basic Visual Lexicon JavaDoc API

  • vp ID of the Visual Property
  • verbose print more

  • returns 200: successful operation