

Get the information about a table column.

  • column (string, optional) Specifies the name of a column in the tab le
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • returns information about a table column



Appends an additional column of attribute values to the current table.

  • columnName (string, optional) The new column name
  • listType (string, optional) Can be one of integer, long, double, or string.
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • ntype (string, optional) Can be one of integer, long, double, string , or list.


cyclient.table.import_url(self,caseSensitiveNetworkCollectionKeys=None, caseSensitiveNetworkKeys=None,dataTypeList=None,\ DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection=None,DataTypeTargetForNetworkList=None,\ delimiters=None,delimitersForDataList=None,firstRowAsColumnNames=None,\ KeyColumnForMapping=None,KeyColumnForMappingNetworkList=None,\ keyColumnIndex=None,newTableName=None,startLoadRow=None,\ TargetNetworkCollection=None,TargetNetworkList=None,url=None,\ WhereImportTable=None,verbose=None)

Similar to Import Table this uses a long list of input parameters to specify the attributes of the table, the mapping keys, and the destination table for the input.

  • caseSensitiveNetworkCollectionKeys (string, optional) Determines wh ether capitalization is considered in matching and sorting
  • caseSensitiveNetworkKeys (string, optional) Determines whether capi talization is considered in matching and sorting
  • dataTypeList (string, optional) List of column data types ordered b y column index (e.g. "string,int,long,double,boolean,intlist" or jus t "s,i,l,d,b,il")
  • DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection (string, optional) Select whethe r to import the data as Node Table Columns, Edge Table Columns, or N etwork Table Columns
  • DataTypeTargetForNetworkList (string, optional) The data type of th e targets
  • delimiters (string, optional) The list of delimiters that separate columns in the table.
  • delimitersForDataList (string, optional) The delimiters between ele ments of list columns in the table.
  • firstRowAsColumnNames (string, optional) If the first imported row contains column names, set this to true.
  • KeyColumnForMapping (string, optional) The column in the network to use as the merge key
  • KeyColumnForMappingNetworkList (string, optional) The column in the network to use as the merge key
  • keyColumnIndex (string, optional) The column that contains the key values for this import. These values will be used to match with the key values in the network.
  • newTableName (string, optional) The title of the new table
  • startLoadRow (string, optional) The first row of the input table to load. This allows the skipping of headers that are not part of the import.
  • TargetNetworkCollection (string, optional) The network collection t o use for the table import
  • TargetNetworkList (string, optional) The list of networks into whic h the table is imported
  • url (string) The URL of the file or resource that provides the tabl e or network to be imported.
  • WhereImportTable (string, optional) Determines what network(s) the imported table will be associated with (if any). A table can be impo rted into a Network Collection, Selected networks or to an unassigne d table.



Returns the list of columns in the table.

  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • returns list of columns in the table.



Changes the name of a specified column in the table.

  • columnName (string) The name of the column that will be renamed.
  • newColumnName (string) The new name of the column.
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Appends an additional row of empty cells to the current table.

  • keyValue (string, optional) Specifies the primary key of a value in the row of a table Note that network, node, and edge tables must ha ve Long values as keys
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Returns a list of the table SUIDs associated with the passed network parameter.

  • includePrivate (string, optional) A boolean value determining wheth er to return private as well as public tables
  • namespace (string, optional) An optional argument to contrain outpu t to a single namespace, or ALL
  • atype (string, optional) One of ''network'', ''node'', ''edge'', ''u nattached'', ''all'', to constrain the type of table listed
  • returns list of the table SUIDs associated with the passed network parameter.



Returns the value from a cell as specified by row and column ids.

  • column (string, optional) Specifies the name of a column in the tab le
  • keyValue (string, optional) Specifies a row of a table using the pr imary key as the indentifier
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • returns value from a cell as specified by row and column ids


cyclient.table.merge(self,DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection=None, dataTypeTargetForNetworkList=None,mergeType=None,SourceMergeColumns=None,\ SourceMergeKey=None,SourceTable=None,TargetKeyNetworkCollection=None,\ TargetMergeKey=None,TargetNetworkCollection=None,TargetNetworkList=None,\ UnassignedTable=None,WhereMergeTable=None,verbose=None)

Merge tables together joining around a designated key column. Depending on the arguments, might merge into multiple local tables.

  • DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection (string, optional) The collectio n of networks where the merged table will reside
  • dataTypeTargetForNetworkList (string, optional)
  • mergeType (string, optional) A choice between ''Copy Columns'' and ''Link To Columns'' that determines if replicates are created
  • SourceMergeColumns (string, optional) A list of columns that will b e brought into the merged table
  • SourceMergeKey (string, optional) The name of the columns that exis ts in both tables and is used to correlate rows
  • SourceTable (string, optional) The name of the table used as the ba se data in the merge
  • TargetKeyNetworkCollection (string, optional) The name of the prima ry column about which the merge is made
  • TargetMergeKey (string, optional)
  • TargetNetworkCollection (string, optional) The group of networks th at will be merged into the source table
  • TargetNetworkList (string, optional) The list of networks where the merged table will be added
  • UnassignedTable (string, optional)
  • WhereMergeTable (string, optional) The destination path of the resu ltant merged table. The choices are ''Network Collection'', ''Select ed Networks'', or ''All Unassigned Tables''.



Returns the list of primary keys for each of the rows in the specified table.

  • rowList (string, optional) Specifies a list of rows. The pattern CO LUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specifie d column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLU MN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values. This parameter can also be set to all to include all rows.
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Deletes a row from a table.Requires the table name or SUID and the row key.

  • keyValue (string) Specifies the primary key of a value in the row o f a table
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.


cyclient.table.import_file(self,caseSensitiveNetworkCollectionKeys=None, caseSensitiveNetworkKeys=None,dataTypeList=None,\ DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection=None,DataTypeTargetForNetworkList=None,\ delimiters=None,delimitersForDataList=None,afile=None,firstRowAsColumnNames=None,\ KeyColumnForMapping=None,KeyColumnForMappingNetworkList=None,keyColumnIndex=None,\ newTableName=None,startLoadRow=None,TargetNetworkCollection=None,\ TargetNetworkList=None,WhereImportTable=None,verbose=None)

This uses a long list of input parameters to specify the attributes of the table, the mapping keys, and the destination table for the input.

  • caseSensitiveNetworkCollectionKeys (string, optional) Determines wh ether capitalization is considered in matching and sorting
  • caseSensitiveNetworkKeys (string, optional) Determines whether capi talization is considered in matching and sorting
  • dataTypeList (string, optional) List of column data types ordered b y column index (e.g. "string,int,long,double,boolean,intlist" or jus t "s,i,l,d,b,il")
  • DataTypeTargetForNetworkCollection (string, optional) Select whethe r to import the data as Node Table Columns, Edge Table Columns, or N etwork Table Columns
  • DataTypeTargetForNetworkList (string, optional) The data type of th e targets
  • delimiters (string, optional) The list of delimiters that separate columns in the table.
  • delimitersForDataList (string, optional) The delimiters between ele ments of list columns in the table.
  • afile (string) The path to the file that contains the table or netwo rk to be imported.
  • firstRowAsColumnNames (string, optional) If the first imported row contains column names, set this to true.
  • KeyColumnForMapping (string, optional) The column in the network to use as the merge key
  • KeyColumnForMappingNetworkList (string, optional) The column in the network to use as the merge key
  • keyColumnIndex (string, optional) The column that contains the key values for this import. These values will be used to match with the key values in the network.
  • newTableName (string, optional) The title of the new table
  • startLoadRow (string, optional) The first row of the input table to load. This allows the skipping of headers that are not part of the import.
  • TargetNetworkCollection (string, optional) The network collection t o use for the table import
  • TargetNetworkList (string, optional) The list of networks into whic h the table is imported
  • WhereImportTable (string, optional) Determines what network(s) the imported table will be associated with (if any). A table can be impo rted into a Network Collection, Selected networks or to an unassigne d table.



Creates a file with name and writes the table there.

  • options (string, optional) The format of the output file.
  • OutputFile (string, optional) The path of the file to export the ta ble to. Note that the file will be overwritten if it exists.
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Adds a new table to the network.

  • keyColumn (string, optional) Specifies the name of a column in the table
  • keyColumnType (string, optional) The syntactical type of the value used in the key
  • title (string, optional) The name of the table used in the current network

  • returns table SUID



Remove a column from a table, specified by its name. Returns the name of the column removed.

  • column (string, optional) Specifies the name of a column in the tab le
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Changes the visible identifier of a single table.

  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • title (string, optional) The name of the table used in the current network



Removes the specified table from the network.

  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.



Returns the values in each column of a row of a table.

  • keyValue (string, optional) Specifies a row of a table using the pr imary key as the indentifier
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • returns values in each column of a row of a table



Set all the values in the specified list of rows with a single value.

  • columnName (string, optional) Specifies the name of a column in the table
  • rowList (string, optional) Specifies a list of rows. The pattern CO LUMN:VALUE sets this parameter to any rows that contain the specifie d column value; if the COLUMN prefix is not used, the NAME column is matched by default. A list of COLUMN:VALUE pairs of the format COLU MN1:VALUE1,COLUMN2:VALUE2,... can be used to match multiple values. This parameter can also be set to all to include all rows.
  • table (string, optional) Specifies a table by table name. If the pr efix SUID: is used, the table corresponding the SUID will be returne d.
  • value (string, optional) The value to set the columns in the select ed rows to. This should be a string value, which will be converted t o the appropriate column type.


cyclient.table.getTable(self,columns=None, table=None, network = "current", namespace='default', verbose=VERBOSE)

Gets tables from cytoscape.

  • table table to retrieve eg. node
  • columns columns to retrieve in list format
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.

  • returns a pandas dataframe


cyclient.table.loadTableData(self,df, df_key='index',table="node", table_key_column = "name", network="current",namespace="default",verbose=False)

Loads tables into cytoscape.

  • df a pandas dataframe to load
  • df_key key column in df, default="index"
  • table target table, default="node"
  • table_key_column table key column, default="name"
  • network (string, optional) Specifies a network by name, or by SUID if the prefix SUID: is used. The keyword CURRENT, or a blank value can also be used to specify the current network.
  • namespace (string, optional) Node, Edge, and Network objects support the default, local, and hidden namespaces. Root networks also support the shared namespace. Custom namespaces may be specified by Apps.
  • verbose print more information

  • returns output of put request